Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pyramid Lake June 2010

Pyramid Lake is up in the high Uintas and is very secluded and pristine. The road is tough going, we were definitely glad we had a truck to get into it. Obvious campsites scatter the area around the lake and provide numerous fire pits, places to pitch tents and set up camp. I don't think a trailer-camper of any sorts, unless it was the kind that is on a truck, would have made it past the rough road.

As far as how busy it was...I'm not sure if it was because we were camped there the weekend before the 4th of July, but we were the only ones to camp at the lake the entire weekend. We had about 5 different parties come through on the road in trucks or 4wheelers but they typically were just passing through or would stop at the lake for a bit and then moved on or went back. So it was really nice to have the whole place to ourselves.

We camped in a camp spot North of the lake and there was a meadow just north of our camp which was gorgeous and then a pond to our East which was home to a frog choir that would sing us to sleep at night. Pyramid Lake has one edge butted up against the mountain and it's just a big pile of fallen rock, the rest of the lake is edged with woodland and big pines. The water was quite cold and with the wind chill we were not about to get wet, but the dogs loved cooling down in the water. It's a great place if you wanted to pack up your stuff and 4wheel into it, and it has plenty of places to hike/bike around for some beautiful scenic views.

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